Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji
Data publikacji: 10.01.2022 r.
The European Universities Initiative (EUI) is a new model of institutional cooperation in the management of the higher education system at Community level. The European Commission project was created in 2018 and aims to develop a framework for systemic, multilateral and multi-area academic cooperation. Polish universities are members of 11 out of 41 university networks currently implemented in Europe.
The aim of the study is to analyse the impact of EUI membership on the functioning of the Polish HEIs that are partners in alliances and on implementing the three main missions of the HEIs: research, teaching and the so-called the third mission – exerting an innovative multilateral program cooperation within institutional and functional network. A further objective of the study was to investigate the expectations of the HEIs staff and students as well as the expectations of selected representatives of stakeholders external to the EUI project.
The study will be carried out in four study waves. The first wave began in October 2021, and the planned completion of the entire study is October 2022. The study commissioned by the FDES is carried out by a team of researchers from the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. The respective waves of research will utilise both quantitative and qualitative techniques and methods, in line with the principle of triangulation of research methods and techniques.