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International cooperation and the quality and organisation of school work. Report on the survey of management staff of Polish educational institutions

  • fot. Shutterstock

The report presents the opinions delivered by the representatives of school management on the implementation of international projects. The study was carried out with the use of qualitative methods on a group of Polish schools actively using the FDES programmes offer. Each of the 24 in-depth interviews lasted at least 60 minutes and concerned various aspects of functioning of schools that are directly related to the implementation of international educational projects financed from European funds. The interviewees were principals, deputy principals and other persons responsible for the organisation and quality of the teaching process in schools.

The report takes into account aspects such as the role of the management in projects and the impact of international activities on the organisation of the institution's work, the school community, the quality of teaching and the institutional environment. The presented examples of solutions used in the researched schools may be an inspiration for people managing educational institutions that undertake cooperation with partners from other countries.

Report (in Polish).